Freight surcharge

September 2021
Dear Customer,
In the last months, we have been experiencing unprecedented logistical issues that have been contributing to worsening shipment delays and skyrocketing container prices. Shipping spaceĀ and containers are in extremely short supply andĀ our base rates for containers have increased more than 800% and increasing. We continue to do our utmost to maintain our standard lead times, but several causes for delays are beyond our control.
WeĀ hope and anticipate that this situation will subside, but until it does,Ā we must instate a freight surcharge of $0.50 per meter effective as of September 15, 2021. ThisĀ surchargeĀ will appearĀ asĀ a separateĀ line itemĀ at the bottom of our invoice.
We continue to monitor the situation closely and will discontinue this surcharge as soon as freight rates come back to somewhat of a normal level. We understand that this surcharge follows price increases from June and July; unfortunately these increases did not incorporate the skyrocketing cost of freight.
We thank you for your understanding and your continued support.
Best Regards,
Erich Imbach
President of Master Fabrics / Avant Garde